This internet phenomenon started as an video contest where contestants had to remix the lyrics to Justin Bieber's song Boyfriend to promote his perfume of the same name! The winner would receive VIP Backstage tickets to a Justin Bieber concert in their area! YouTube user wzr0713 now known as Laina uploaded her submission titled "JB Fanvideo". Fans reacted positively to the video's creepy stalker-ish vibes. Within 48 hours of uploading the original video had received 1.35 million views on YouTube! The video then spread to Reddit where it had received over 800 comments. The video eventually spread to Tumblr, BuzzFeed, Facebook, and The Daily Dot. Laina Morris (pictured to the left) went on to work with other YouTube personalities such as Shane Dawson also going on to doing a National KIA ad campaign. Laina received 2nd place in the contest and Overall Honorable Mention from the company that produced Justin Bieber's perfume. Below will be my own version of this Meme. Back in 2012 I discovered the website MemeCenter where users created their own Memes! I created my own version (displayed below) where the next day it was the most popular on the entire freaking Website with almost 700 likes.

My Version ===>
Original Video!
Laina's YouTube Channel
Overly Attached Girlfriend and Shane Dawson
BONUS: Laina's Carly Rae Jepsen PARODY
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