Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Producer Interview - Austin Apon

David Cress - Producer.

Q1: what made you want to be a producer?
A1: At MHCC he was working in the studio with jack and saw a chair where no one was sitting and asked Jack who usually sits there and Jack told him the producer.
 Q2:Where did you get your first start as a producer
A1: He got an internship for Audacity commercials and that led to getting a P.A job where he worked closely with a producer.
Q3:What was your first production?
A3: A Lincon City commercial
Q4:How did you get that job?
A4: Its all who you know and having a good additude
Q5:Biggest suggestion for student film makers?
Q5: Dont waste your time and when you get a PA job go around and interview every one you possible can. Always be excited for work and show up early.
Q6:When hiring what is most important to you?
A6:Works well with others and goes above and beyond and is always dependable as well as shows quality in past work of course.
Q7: your biggest flaw?
A7: Expecting the best and not preparing enough. If he notices a flaw in himself he tries to correct it because the work he is in needs to be flawless.
Q8:Your greatest strength?
A8: He feels like he cares about his work more than other care about their own work. He finds his work to have a unique beauty and works hard to do his best.
Q9:Most common problem on set?
A9: Lack of prep. Most people forget something because the always expect the worst. so Always plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Q10: Who do you thank most for your success?
A10: He really has to thank Jack Schommer because he made him into the person he his today. "Tell Jack Hi for me and tell him thank you Jack, you mean a lot to me."

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