Kenneth Cappello


(interview is copied directly from email)

1. Can you describe a typical work day? 
Fielding emails making sure retouching is on point uploading files conference calls etc. sometimes it's just training Ju  jitsu and staring at my dogs

 2. I plan to move to LA after school, (I'm from NorCal) is it possible to book jobs with NY magazines without having established myself there first like you did? 
Yur work is gonna do the speaking. And unfortunately the net working  Depends on the mags really For fashion nyc is a good place to start. But I'm into living were you want to live.

3. Do you have any advice on how to stand out in this image saturated culture while I'm just starting out? 
Man good photos good styling good eye. Be careful on becoming a Instagram only photographer. It' seems hard out there it's so so saturated. Everyone is a photographer or a creative director. Like you can shoot a bunch of naked girls and have 200k followers or you can just take the photos you want. Working for a establish photographer is also a good way to get yur tools down and understand what needs to be done to get were you need to go

 4. When it comes to concepts for shoots, whether it be an ad, fashion story for a mag, etc, what is the collaboration process? How much creative freedom do you have? 
Sometimes none sometimes 100 percent it just depends on the client. With editorial shoots it's a colab between you and the art director kinda or the stylist.
Sometimes it's all you. Sometimes they will call with a concept and if you don't like it don't do it. Ads they are hiring you usually for what you do but you still have to stay within there perimeters and the lines get blurry it's all job to job.

5. Currently I shoot Portland's style/ streetstyle for Portland Fashion Week's instagram. It's unpaid, but I have a lot of freedom and I want to make the most of it, any advice? 
That's good
Ig is a very powerful tool
People get hired form ig all the time art directors really do look at it. Shooting for free is totally normal a lot of young photographers don't understand that. Your building a body of work that's hopefully gonna pay off in the future to come.