Saturday, April 22, 2017

Blogger Profile: Andy Carothers

My name is Andy Carothers, I started off as a small time video filmmaker but now I'm the best there is. If you need a video made you come to me and you ask me if I can make a video for you and I'll respond yes I can make you a video and a video will be made. I spend a lot of my free time editing and creating small video shorts composed of silent footage showing the daily lives of the average person walking in the city of Portland. On a more professional level I have many business connections, as well as clients and references. I spend a lot of money on camera equipment instead of actually learning how to use the camera to even out my skill level. I smear chap stick on my lenses to ensure that I have a signature look to all of my cinematography. The chapstick provides a rich texture and forces light to diffuse in very unique ways, while some people complain that overuse may actually increase camera chappedness. I've worked on a lot of film sets and am in the know when it comes to secret movie stuff. If youre looking for a producer that can record you on a  camera and send you a flashdrive with the video on it in the mail, then I'm your guy. If you're still reading this please ask yourself why. I spend a huge amount of time ensuring that each and every video I produce comes up to a certain standard. I consider myself a young Steve Bannon and hope to one day produce masterpieces as great as him. I'm looking to get into the field of animation as well as motion graphics so I can recreate the scene from Jurassic Park where the dinosaur is eating the guy in technicolor frame by frame drawings. If you look up cool guy in the dictionary you'll see a sketch of this face but with sunglasses on.

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