Saturday, April 22, 2017

Director: Greg Barth

Greg Barth has very simple taste, from the looks of his Vimeo videos. He's directed music videos for well-known artists and bands such as "Passion Pit" and "Red Axes". The look he seems to go for is pretty clean looking sets with obvious props, loud colors and actors dressed in costumes. The thing I like the most is the simplicity and the randomness of the videos. For most of the shots, they usually have a solid colored background. I can't stress it enough when I say it just looks so SIMPLE but I like it. Just utilizing a smaller sound stage, you can turn it into different things and get pretty creative. Check his stuff out.
PASSION PIT "I'll Be Alright", Official Video, Directors cut from Greg Barth on Vimeo.
Red Axes - Sun My Sweet Sun - Official Video from Greg Barth on Vimeo.

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