Sunday, February 24, 2019

Social Media Analysis - Angel Palacios

Of all of the social media accounts I follow, the one that stands out to me the most is Haru Casting (@harucasting on Instagram). I don't believe they have an "official" website, just the one from Weebly, but I don't think it really matters all that much.
Haru Casting is a South Korean resin casting company. They predominantly cater to individuals in the Ball Jointed Doll hobby and community by casting dolls sent to them in resin. As far as I know, they are a family team. The father, Haru, is the one that I see most actively online and in the studio where they work, so it could just be him alone. I'm not sure.

Not only do they cast dolls for other people, they also sculpt and cast their own dolls for sale. They started with sculpting their son, Adori, as a doll.

A post shared by @ harucasting on

As you can see, they did a remarkable job capturing his likeness in clay and resin. They've gone on to sculpt Adori's friend and neighbor, Nanni, as well as his sisters Geuru and Maji, and Maji's friend, E-minor, who I believe his his first "free-hand" sculpt--by which I mean, not based on anyone he knows.

They have created a ton of different dolls and helped the creation of many more over the last nine years since they've gone into business.

Including some from talented people I'm honored to call "friend". (The bats below were sculpted by an online friend, Nicola; a portion of the proceeds from the original sales of the bats went to the aid of bat conservation.)

They predominantly use Instagram. Sometimes they post slice-of-life things, showing us some snap-shots into their home. Sometimes they show us the dolls they're working on sculpting. A lot of the time, they show us the dolls they're casting for their customers.

I cannot say for sure how successful their business is while they're using Instagram, but they have 14.3k followers on their instagram account. I think that's a pretty good number for a doll casting company.

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